
Produktname Lieferant von Hochleistungs-Absperrklappen in China
Fahrmodus Handbuch
Ventilschaft Normal
Struktur Mittenabdichtung
Medien Wasser, Öl, Gas, Meerwasser, Essen, Dampf, Luft usw
Stammmaterial Edelstahl
Verbindungsformular Flansch
Arbeitsdruck Mitteldruck
Anpassung Verfügbar
Farbe Kundenspezifische Farbe

These products by China high performance butterfly valve manufacturer produced are mainly used for pipeline flow, pressure and temperature control of various industrial automation productiong, Zum Beispiel: Electricity, petrifaction, Metallurgie, environmental protection, energy management, fir-fighting systems.

China high performance butterfly valve manufacturer