Как номинальное давление влияет на задвижку?

Мар 27, 2024 | Новости

Номинальное давление существенно влияет на производительность и пригодность задвижки.. Давайте углубимся в то, как это влияет на этот тип клапана.:

Maximum Operating Pressure

The pressure rating determines the maximum pressure that the gate valve can safely handle. It is usually measured in pounds per square inch (пси) or megaPascals (mPa) in Europe 1. When selecting a gate valve, understanding the maximum operating pressure of your system is crucial. Opt for a valve with a pressure rating higher than your system’s requirements to provide an added safety margin.

Gate Valve Behavior

Gate valves are designed to open fully and leave the flow bore virtually free of encumbrances or friction. When the gate valve is fully open, it offers minimal resistance to flow, similar to a section of pipe of the same port size. Однако, gate valves are generally not suitable for regulating flow or operating in partially open positions. Using them for throttling can lead to damage due to the seating surfaces banging against each other in turbulent flow conditions.

Influence on Operation

As the pressure of the medium pushes the gate against its guiding rail, operating the valve becomes more challenging. Influences on big size gate valves и подземные задвижки:

  1. Задвижки большого размера:

Big gate valves must withstand substantial forces due to the high pressure acting on their larger surface area. A higher pressure rating ensures the valve’s structural integrity. The pressure rating affects the choice of materials. Large gate valves may require stronger alloys or thicker sections to handle the pressure. Operating large gate valves can be challenging due to the immense pressure pushing against the gate. Proper actuation mechanisms and safety precautions are crucial.

  1. Подземные задвижки:

Being buried underground, these valves are subject to soil pressure, moisture, and other external factors. Pressure surges caused by sudden valve closure (water hammer) can impact underground valves. Adequate pressure ratings help prevent damage. Underground gate valves must resist corrosion from soil and groundwater. Proper material selection and coatings are essential. Maintenance and repair of underground valves can be difficult. A robust pressure rating ensures longevity and minimizes the need for frequent access.

Materials and Construction

Gate valves are available in various materials and pressure classes. They can range in size from small NPS ½ inch valves to large NPS 144 inch valves. Common construction methods include castings, forgings, or weld-fabricated assemblies, with casting designs being prevalent.

Задвижка BS5163 pn16 is designed to withstand a maximum pressure of 16 бар (232 пси) at a temperature range of -10°C to +80°C. Among the valve suppliers, BS5163 gate valve pn16 from TWT Valve stands out as a dependable choice for applications that prioritize efficiency, долговечность, and leak-proof performance.

Задвижка BS5163 pn16

В итоге, the pressure rating directly influences the safety, надежность, and performance of both big size and underground gate valves. Properly matched pressure ratings ensure efficient operation and longevity in various applications.